Alaska Úlfhé∂nar Drakkar

Our Bookstore

Throughout our travels of the world, there have been many a nights where we have laid upon the deck of the Drakkar beneath a moonlit sea and engulfed ourselves within the pages of a good book. Here we offer you the books we have used to escape into. Feel free to browse the table and locate something that you might be interested in.

NOTE: If you are an author with a published book, and would like to offer your product for sale here on the Drakkar, reach out to us at and send us a copy of the book. We would be thrilled to support you and your books. Some rights as to the books we will allow to be sold.

We are Danish American traders who travel the world looking for items to offer our customers or friends to help them connect to their own ancestry.

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© 2024 Created with Royal Elementor Addons